When I entered the building, I was instantly struck by its energy, vitality and clarity. That’s the essence of Lightwell.

A totally reworked space, rebuilt, not destroyed, keeping the environment top of mind.

It’s a new space that encourages teams to get together. I enjoy using all the outdoor and communal areas – I find them inspiring; it’s where people connect, interact, and move ahead on joint projects.

The restaurants whisk me off to another world. The materials, colors and lighting make me feel at home.

The space reflects who I am, and it brings people together.

An inspiring and conscious space in the heart of the Greater Paris region. A building that’s ahead of the curve as regards changes in the workplace and our lifestyles.

Lightwell, Where ideas come to life

Lightwell is an energising space with a strong identity where people enjoy working, interacting and engaging in activities together.

Designed on a human scale, the building provides a hub for both working and socialising, helping instigate encounters, provide impetus and spark new ideas.

Lightwell balances people’s needs with those of the environment.


Philippe Barthélémy and Sylvia Griño

In a cityscape dominated by high-rise towers, Lightwell draws its inspiration from traditional Parisian architecture and is centred around an inner courtyard where people can meet and engage.

The existing building has been totally transformed to optimize and tailor the space to modern-day needs.

Lightwell is actively driving forward the green transition and is fully committed to reducing energy consumption in compliance with the the French Tertiary Decree.

Why we love Lightwell

  • A central location on the Esplanade de la Défense

  • A building designed on a human scale

  • A place where you feel good

  • A lively inner street

  • Modular and connected spaces

  • A central atrium with open staircases

  • Many outward-facing amenities

  • A refurbished building preserving the environment

  • A certified project with strong values

  • A place giving meaning to the workplace

  • And much more…


  • Over 35,000 sqm workspace and amenities

  • 1,000 sqm outdoor spaces, with a 500 sqm rooftop

  • 1 meeting hub with a 200-seat multi-functional auditorium

  • 1 wellness center and open-air sporting activities

  • 8 minutes from Charles de Gaulle Etoile Metro and RER station, 15 minutes from Gare de Lyon train station, 15 minutes from Saint-Lazare train station

  • 127 parking spaces & a secured bike shed with 65 spaces

  • 2/3 of the existing structure conserved

  • 85% of waste reused in re-employment and recycling

  • Environmental standards expected : HQE “Exceptional”, BREEAM “Excellent” & BBC Effinergie Rénovation RT-40%


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